“What can I do to make my face look less tired and look more healthy and rejuvenated?”
There are 3 main characteristics to the aging face:
- Loss of volume
- Loss of overall skin tone and elasticity
- Drooping, sagging or redundant skin
In order to restore a more youthful appearance, each of these three characteristics should be treated. There isn’t one single procedure that can address all three of these characteristics at the same time. Therefore, to restore youthfulness to the face, depending on the goals of the patient, we have to select which of these characteristics we are trying to address.
Restoring Lost Volume to the Face
Volume is one of the easiest things to address in the cosmetic doctor’s office, without surgery. Volume can be added to the midface, cheeks and perioral areas in order to soften smile lines, elevate the cheek and restore contour to the jawline.
Non-Surgical Treatments
There are many examples of injecatable fillers that can be used and they are some of our most common treatments.
Before & After Dermal Filler Treatment in the Perioral Region
Learn more about the injectable fillers we offer
Surgical Treatments
For a longer lasting, more permanent surgical improvement, implants can be used. There are only a few implants that have been proven over time to be safe and long lasting. These include midfacial volume (cheek) implants and chin implants.
If surgery is a good option for you, these implants may be used at that time to restore facial volues and give a very natural apperance.
Before & After Cheek Implants
Learn more about cheek implants
Before & After Chin Implants
Learn more about chin implants